New Member
2 Messages
Dtv app crop to fit screen
I can no longer get the show I'm watching to fill the screen using the app.
There used to be a option to crop to fit to the screen and I can no longer find this.
Yes my phone is sideways and the show is as well however there are black bars on either side all of the right. as well as top and bottom of the screen for some shows. What can I do to get the show I'm watching to fill my phone screen.
I'm using a Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra. My phone is up to date and so is my app.
Community Support
254.8K Messages
3 years ago
Hi @Cminahan87, thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Let us know how it goes.
- Ana, DIRECTV Community Specialist
New Member
2 Messages
3 years ago
There used to be a button in the top right corner of the screen that allowed me to crop to fit my screen. It is no longer there when watching on demand. When watching live it just goes between full screen and the guide view.
All of my settings are correct as specified before.
3 Messages
6 months ago
I guess Direct TV still dosent want to fix the problem
ACE - Sage
46.3K Messages
6 months ago
Pretty sure that issue was fixed a long time ago. This is a very old thread. Please start your own new post with more details about your equipment, exact symptoms, and any troubleshooting you've tried so far. This post will be closed.