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8 Messages

Wednesday, August 28th, 2024 8:17 PM

Devices Require Constant Reset

I have four Gemini Air devices in two different homes, each with a different ISP. In both homes, my devices constantly require a reset. The error is that the system is unable to locate the internet connection. Once I see this error my choice is to go to settings or re-set the device. I can often go to settings turn the wifi off and then on again and it will acquire the internet signal and begin to broadcast. This happens with all four devices in both homes and typically at least once each day but sometimes more. There is no pattern to the problem. Recently I contacted Direct TV support and they replaced both devices in one home but this did not resolve the problem. I have no other issue with my internet in either home. The signals are strong. The only similarity is that I use Google wifi mesh routers in both homes. COULD THIS BE THE PROBLEM?

ACE - New Member


634 Messages

6 months ago

If it happpens to every unit and the only thing in common is the type of router, I would lean toward that as the possible problem. If you have access to another brand of router try it and see what happens. If you don't have another one try taking one of the Gemini devices to a friend or family member who uses something different, and try it there. 

8 Messages

6 months ago

Just changed from DCHP to static up. See if that helps.

14 Messages

6 months ago

Changing the IP address on the Gemini Air from DCHP (dynamic) to static may solve your connectivity problem.  This has worked almost flawlessly for me for the past 2 months.  Here are the steps--it is not as scary as it looks:

1. Push the Home button, then the left arrow key

2. Cursor down to Settings, push OK

3. Cursor to System, push OK

4. Network & Internet is already highlighted, push OK

5. Cursor down arrow once, this should be your internet connection, push OK

6. Under IP address, note this format: 192.168.1.xxx where xxx is the last 3 of your IP address.  Write it down. (Format might be 192.168.0.xxx)

7. Cursor down to IP settings (DHCP), push OK

8. Cursor to Static, push OK

9. IP address: On the keyboard, cursor to the backspace key (far right 3rd row down) and remove the last 3 digits of the IP address

10. Cursor to the numbers key (lower left) and input a number between 200 and 240 (I used 225), push Next key (lower right--must cursor to this key even though it appears highlighted)

11. Gateway: DO NOT change this number, push Next

12. Network prefix length: Leave this number 24, push Next (may have to push OK to get to keyboard)

13. DNS 1: Leave as is or change to the DNS server of your choice (if you know how), push Next

14. DNS 2: Leave as is or change to the DNS server of your choice, push Next

15. If everything went right “Saved successfully” should pop up, push Exit

16. Turn the TV and the Air off, wait a few seconds then turn them back on and don’t freak out

17. The No Internet Connection screen may appear. It did for me. If so, go to next step.  If you have a regular TV picture you are good to go. Push Exit

18. Cursor to Go to Settings on the No Internet Connection screen, push OK

19. Cursor to System, push OK, push OK again, push OK again, push OK again. A blue box will pop up in the upper right corner stating Network connected successfully! If you get a regular TV picture you are good to go. If not, toggle wi-fi off (count to 3) and on again. If still no picture, power TV and Air off and on.  The Air is set to the static IP address chosen in step 10

20. Important note: If you have more than one Gemini Air each MUST have its own individual static IP address ( etc.)

21. If you wish to reverse this setting, repeat steps 1-8, change Static to DHCP, push OK, push Exit

Please post if this works for you.

8 Messages

6 months ago

When I followed your instructions I was not able to get a picture. The message was that I connected but down below it stated no internet

8 Messages

6 months ago

I can set my router to static - will this help?

14 Messages

6 months ago


Sorry you are having problems setting your Gemini Air to a static IP address.  Let's see if we can get this fixed for you, but first of all, I would not make settings changes in your router.  Changing the Air to static should be all that is required.  

Let's check some things out starting with the easiest first.  Go to Home/left arrow/Settings/System/Network & Internet/toggle Wi-Fi off, count to 3, toggle it back on/Exit.  This should get an internet connection if my original directions were followed correctly.  If still no picture, let's check a step where it is easy to make an error (I did until I rechecked my steps) and keep you from getting an internet connection.  Note: Step 9 and Step 11 look alike but are very different.  Repeat steps 1-11 and make sure that Gateway (step 11) is set as (could be depending on your router).  If not, set to this address and complete remainder of steps.  Step 19 is basically toggling the Wi-Fi off and on the get the IP address changed from the DCHP address to the static address chosen in step10.

Let me know if this helps.

8 Messages

6 months ago

It's the same issue again—I get a successful connection, but the connection states "no internet." My IP address before I changed it was, but when I followed your instructions, I changed it to (I used 225 the first time). It seems the is just not connecting to the internet. 

8 Messages

6 months ago

I did not change the gateway

14 Messages

6 months ago

That explains it.  The IP address I used in the instructions is my IP address and probably what the vast majority of people have as theirs, but it is by no means the only format used.  Change the IP address in step 9 using your format (the one you wrote down with the 86 in it) and try 200-240 on the end.   Let me know how that works.

8 Messages

6 months ago

Finally figured it out - it was the gateway. Contrary to your instructions, I had to change this from to and then it worked. Let's see if this stops my re-sets. Thanks for all your help!

14 Messages

6 months ago

So glad you got it working.  If that gateway gets changed, no internet connection for you.  My bedroom TV is my "practice" TV where I work out all the steps, write them down, then do a run through to make sure everything makes sense and actually works.  During a run through I accidentally changed the gateway instead of the IP address and thought I was never going to be able to watch Bonanza again!  Yeah, I'm old.

rlesavoy, thanks for sticking with this to make it work.  It absolutely has been a game changer for me.  If you don't mind, check back here in a week or two and let me know how it goes.


8 Messages

6 months ago

I'm still having the same problem now, even with a static address. Have tried changing the address, but still need to reset drives daily. Thinking about the Google mesh router, which is the only similarity in both homes.