3 Messages
TV goes off and on by itself
My TV turns itself off and then comes back on ONLY when using my Directv Gemini server. (Same TV when using streaming instead of Directv connection NEVER goes off and on.) Server and towers lights remain on during the off/on event. If I am watching a recorded show, when it comes back on I am on the channel I was on but not on the recording.
(MY server was changed about a month ago and this happened infrequently prior to the previously server not working at all.)
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
9 days ago
There is no Gemini server it is a client, the HS17 is the server. Check to see if HDMI control is on. If you have a C71WK Gemini then you can't turn HDMI control off.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
9 days ago
First check model number as there is no Gemini Server. Make sure you're not using a 'smart' power strip and that if TV has HDMI-CEC that it is turned off.
Genie (HR34, HR44, HR54) are beyond a regular HDDVR by being a server as well.
Genie-2 (HS17) is a Headless Server, unlike regular HDDVR doesn't go on a TV itself. Only permits Clients.
Mini Genies (C31 - C61) and Gemini (C71KW) are Clients reliant on the server (hence C as the model).
3 Messages
8 days ago
Thank you!
7 Messages
7 days ago
One again h51 client is turning itself on by itself.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
6 days ago
What is the model of box? (h51 doesn't exist)
If the box is a Client, what model is the main Genie?
Is the box or TV connected to a 'smart' power strip?
Do you have HDMI-CEC turned on?
TV has software/firmware updates?
Box connected directly to TV, or is their a switch, splitter, or something else between?
What do you mean "one again"?
What troubleshooting have you tried? (be specific)
7 Messages
5 days ago
Its a mini (c51) connected to an HR54. This is the same problem that was happening last Fall until they pushed a software update. This is connected via HDMI to a computer monitor so the monitor is always searching for an input. The mini itself is turning on.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
5 days ago
I would test it with a TV and see if the issue continues. The boxes are not built with computer monitors in mind, especially because of HDCP requirements that those monitors don't have to take into account which can lead to other issues.
7 Messages
5 days ago
It worked in this setup for the last 7 years (except for about 6 weeks last Fall until they pushed a fix out) There were many threads during that time. There should be no reason it turns itself on without a signal from the remote.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
5 days ago
If you have the option, turn off HDMI-CEC. Always checking for input can be part of the problem.
Fine if it has worked for 7 years, but is never guaranteed for computer monitors as is a TV service. Monitors and TVs still have nuanced differences. Something updates and they are not guaranteed to stay compatible, nor are they obligated to. Just a risk to be aware of when you use equipment not for its intended purpose. Hopefully a later update will resolve it, good luck.
7 Messages
5 days ago
@Juniper it's off ---moving on...
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
5 days ago
Glad it is staying off now. Just be prepared that if happens again down the road than you may just have to wait it out like you did this time for it to self-resolve (if it does).
Perhaps years/decades later computers and internet connected will be common place to the point where monitors and TVs are virtually interchangeable as opposed to the nuances of today. Until then, just be aware they do have those small technical differences.
ACE - Expert
21K Messages
5 days ago
I believe to OP meant that HDMI control is off but the problem is still there.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
5 days ago
Gotcha. Well if so then at this point a later update fixes it or they change to a TV that isn't constantly searching for an input (or perhaps a different model monitor that is built differently).
I do see the potential for computer monitors and TVs being the same one day. But for now they are still built with different purposes in mind.