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Gemini remote wont turn on Vizio TV
For those who have Gemini but the remote will not turn on a Vizio TV - assuming you have already set up your remote for your Vizio TV-
On your Gemini, go to Settings/Remote & Devices, then Program Your Remote. Set the HDMI-CEC Volume Control to OFF. Exit settings menu.
Next, go to your Vizio TV menu. Go to System/CEC. Set CEC to Enable. Then go back one and Device Discovery. It should find your Gemini box that’s connected to the TV with HDMI cable. Exit settings.
Now your Gemini remote should/may work with your Vizio to turn it off/on. So far it has worked for me, but it’s only been a few days since I’ve had my settings this way. Occasionally though I’ll turn on the TV but can’t control the volume up or down for 2 minutes.
Good luck.
ACE - New Member
5.2K Messages
1 year ago
Good advice. I'm glad you posted this info.
Community Support
254.8K Messages
1 year ago
We appreciate your help, BigL. Let us know if you need additional assistance. Claudine, DIRECTV Community Specialist