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1 Message

Thursday, June 8th, 2023 1:33 PM

Not my account

I have had an account set up in my name fradulently and have been trying to dispute it since February. I cannot get a hold of anyone in the fraud department (even the DirecTV employee said the number doesn't work) I have filed  a claim but cannot get anyone to answer me on how that claim is going. It's been 4 months now. How do I get a hold of the fraud department?

ACE - New Member


5.2K Messages

2 years ago

The fraud department, unfortunately, is not available over the phone. Being they are a behind-the-scenes internal department (almost like a back office), they are unable to be called. 

Try refilling a complaint:


Moreover, you can try a BBB complaint if you haven’t already. 

Community Support


254.6K Messages

2 years ago

Hello, we're sorry to know you're going through this situation and got no response since February. We want to resolve it as soon as possible. You can file a form for identity theft claims here: https://accountverification.directv.com/app/identitytheft
And at the bottom of the website, you can find a link to start a process with the Federal Trade Commission.

Community Support


254.6K Messages

2 years ago

Hi Sam, we want to look into this further for you. Could you please private message us on Facebook or Twitter so that we may assist you directly? Please also include your full name, best contact number, account number, and the address associated with the account if possible.

1 Message

5 months ago

Fui victima de un fraude, me ofrecieron un combo de wi_fi  y cable y todo eso teniendo un costo de 100 dolares, lo que sucedio fue que el internet que yo escogi era infinity  y el cable era DIRECTV de ATyT, osea que no tienen relacion con absolutamente nada, cuando me di cuenta de eso ya yo habia pagado  dos facturas  de 100 dolares cada una, pero la que se estaba pagando solamente era el cable, el internet no lo habia pagado, ni sabia nada de eso, porque como era combo, cuando me di cuenta que fuimos a Infinity para reclamar que nos suspendieron el servicio, ya que teniamos nuestras facturas al dia y fue ahi cuando nos dimos cuenta que era un total fraude, hemos tratado de contactar  a DIRECTV y ellos no responden, me dicen que para proceder hacer la suspencion  de 500 dolares, yo no puedo pagar una penalidad de 500 dolares, porque yo no uso ese servicio, nunca lo use  y simplemente la cogi por la promocion  de internet, porque me dijeron que si no la cogia no me podian dar el internet, porque era resiente en el pais y no tenia credito, soy madre soltera, madre de 3 hijas y no me puedo dar el lujo de pagar esa cantidad de dinero 

ACE - Expert


22.6K Messages

5 months ago


DirecTV is service by satellite. They have to send a tech out to install the dish and boxes. If you did not install than you call DirecTV to cancel the order. If it was installed than you signed off accepting the service with a 24 month service agreement.

DirecTV will not do anything about your Infinity internet dispute as they have nothing to do with each other.

DirecTV es un servicio vía satélite. Tienen que enviar un técnico para instalar el plato y las cajas. Si no lo instaló, llame a DirecTV para cancelar el pedido. Si se instaló, usted firmó aceptando el servicio con un acuerdo de servicio de 24 meses.

DirecTV no hará nada con respecto a su disputa por Internet en Infinity, ya que no tienen nada que ver entre sí.