3 Messages
Paying for returned equipment
If AT&T has the equipment why do I need to give them money? They'll have the equipment plus the money. I would understand if I still had the merchandise but I turned it in, late but returned and not in my possession. They even have the receipt for the return.
If I pay does that mean I've purchased the merchandise and they'll give it back to me?
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
3 years ago
Is this a case of you waiting more than 90 days to return the equipment?
3 Messages
3 years ago
Yes it is....
Does that mean they keep the equipment and the money?
Community Support
254.4K Messages
3 years ago
Hi, @am81388!
If you are still getting calls about a balance due you can contact our team at (800) 288-2020. If it's in collections you can contact our collections team.
If you have any other questions, please let us know! Thank you for choosing AT&T Community Forums!
CalebP, AT&T Community Specialist
3 Messages
3 years ago
Called the direct number provided in the accepted answer and spoke with agent HHYC today.
I provided the date, location, and UPS tracking information. She was able to confirm the info and said she will have the account adjusted. Praying that it truly works out that way and this will finally be an end to the run around.
Community Support
254.4K Messages
3 years ago
Thank you for the update, @am81388.
We are happy to hear that you got the help that you need, and that they are helping you with the adjustment.
If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach back out.
Thank you for choosing AT&T.
Marc, AT&T Community Specialist