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My cable box may be possessed :(
So I was watching TV with my ROKU device and decided to switch on back to the cable to see what was on. Bad decision. Clicked on Cartoon Network and my characters were talking all deep and slowed down like a demon would sound. I changed channels to try and escape it but every channel made the same sounds. Finally I turned the TV off. So there I was freaking out in the dark at midnight exactly just having been tormented by the demonic cable box. Turned the thing back on a moment after and now all sounds are fine. I woke my husband up because if I'm going to freak well I'm not gonna do it alone and he said he heard it before too. Is this a thing that happens? Is my cable box malfunctioning? Or should I be calling my pastor right now? Feedback would be greatly appreciated.
P.S. I'm a-scared 😞
P.S. I'm a-scared 😞
3.6K Messages
7 years ago
The first thing that came to my mind from your description is that I am assuming both the ROKU and your dvr (or receiver) are both connected to separate hdmi inputs to your tv and something went "weird" with the hdmi handshaking (where the devices verify HDCP copy protection) when you switched inputs on your TV.
Generally a hdmi handshake failure should result in a "no signal" condition so a audio slowdown is something I am not sure of and thus am not sure the hdmi handshaking is the actual cause. But it's what I thought of first. [Also shutting off the tv and then back on to get it to work is another possible indicator of a handshake problem.]
Here's some additional info on hdmi handshaking.
You could try changing the inputs to your tv (make sure the plugs are fully seated). Maybe you just need to try different hdmi cables.
Anyway relax. Your tv is not possessed unless of course if it starts spinning around 360 degrees on it's stand and/or floats above the stand,!
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
7 years ago
@Media_addict I've made the "possessed STB/TV/DVR" reference more than once so it was good to see that I'm not the only one! And when I saw your mental state as "a-scared" I immediately knew you had to be from Texas.
I have no useful advice but it sounds like @_xyzzy_ is on to something.
P.S. It's spelled a-skeered to be exact.
1 Message
2 years ago
Did you ever get this figured out? My firestick done the exact same thing.