New Member
9 Messages
DVR has randomly dropped programs -- three different times now!
So I have had Uverse for about 14 years now. I used to have the DVR capacity get down to around 4 or 5% and programs recorded would randomly drop as other scheduled programs got recorded. That is NOT what is going on here. With the original DVR Motorola box I had, back in December or January I think numerous programs that had been on there for days, months or years just disappeared. There was no rhyme or reason as to what dropped and what stayed on. Some were HD recordings, some standard, some brand new, others quite old.
So some specialist I talked to on the customer service line said there was a "known instance" of something happening like this, and the supposed resolution was to a) delete all of your scheduled recordings and recreate them, and then b) delete some of those recordings that were part of scheduled recordings. We did this and it seemed to work until sometime in late May. Then, one night with no warning, our DVR, which had about 25-30% free space, dropped from 41 recordings to 7, then a couple of hours later, to one show! I think it showed 90% free space.
So we called in and complained and said we need a new Uverse box, as we surmised the drive was going bad. This was understandable as we'd had it about 13+ years. So what happens? We get the new box installed and the first or second week the same thing happens again!! I barely got it unwrapped out of the box and this happened!
I am now on my third Uverse DVR box - 2nd in three weeks. Does anyone know of this occurring and why it would be happening? It seems strange to work all of this time and then suddenly happen. As best as I can tell, the schedules of the recordings are stored on the cloud while the actual recordings are stored locally on the DVR drive. But would that make any difference?
This whole thing is aggravating, and I'm about to write my letter of unbridled fury to John Stankey and the masses, but I just wondered if others had this happening, too. Forgive me as I did not peruse the forums prior to drafting this!
ACE - Professor
8.1K Messages
2 years ago
Make sure your recordings are set to "keep until I delete."
I'm not sure what they meant by "recreating deleted shows." Once they're gone, they're gone.
New Member
9 Messages
2 years ago
I meant recreate scheduled recordings. I had to delete the scheduled recordings and recreate those! Those were the instructions from the AT&T specialist. And yes, all of my shows were keep until I need space.
ACE - Professor
8.1K Messages
2 years ago
Until you choose to delete? There should be the green checkmark.
If no checkmark, the shows will automatically delete in order to make space for new ones.