Warren256's profile



8 Messages

Saturday, January 9th, 2021 4:09 PM

does att not offer a program discount if your an att business customer on cell phone and home service

just checked my bill at home uverse- complete bundle package went to  271.92 who has this kind of money? Is there a way to negotiate a better package deal I have all the premium channels to.

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

4 years ago

Since Uverse TV is being phased out, there is no incentive to keep those customers.

You can always call and ask for the Loyalty dept. to see if they can offer you anything.



8 Messages

4 years ago

you would think they could offer a discount either on the business side or residential side. what the difference if they have phased out uverse? I have fiber what are my options

ACE - Expert


28.3K Messages

4 years ago

Call CS 1-800-288-2020 and give it a shot.

ACE - Professor


8.1K Messages

4 years ago

I echo the comment to call. I called in just last year and was offered a bundle discount for U-Verse TV and internet.

After taxes and fees, my U-300 and Internet 1000 is about $160/mo. Because I get Internet 1000, I also have HBO Max and because AT&T is my TV provider, my HBO Max connection also includes the HBO TV channels.
