3 Messages
ATT would rather lose long term customer than do whats right
My mother now is 78 years old. I have moved back in with her due to her getting knee surgery and have been helping her with her bills. In Novemeber of 2023 I was blown away when I paid her ATT bill of 356 dollars for her tv and internet. After looking closely at the bill I see that she was being billed for 8 receivers all the way back to September of 2022. I called customer service and worked with them for 2 hours and was promised a credit of 40 (4 receivers @ 10.00) x 16 the number of months she was overcharged plus tax. I estimate the credit to be 692.80. Did we get the credit we deserve no they gave us a 100.00 last month but were told to wait till this month to receive the remainder but this month we got nothing. When I called customer support I was told harshly why did your mother not catch the error sooner and that it is her fault that ATT billing screwed screwed up and there is nothing that can be done now and she would do me the favor of giving me 20.00 off per month for 12 months and to consider the issue closed. SHAME SHAME on you ATT taking advantage of an older American. I don't care that your system will not let you go that far back you made the mistake and your idea of fixing an almost 700 mistake is to give 100 plus 20 a month, shame on you. Needless to say we car canceling our service a service that she has had for 10+ years.
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
1 year ago
First off….ATT has no idea how old your mom (or any other customer) is so the whole “taking advantage of an older American” doesn’t really hold water. The biggest issue is being charged for 8 receivers when only 2 are allowed with UVERSE TV (1 DVR/2STBs).
You can file a complaint with the BBB. Those are forwarded to the executive offices & someone should contact you.
14 Messages
1 year ago
> The biggest issue is being charged for 8 receivers when only 2 are allowed with UVERSE TV (1 DVR/2STBs).
Not true. The limit is eight receivers as you pointed out in a thread six years ago where you referenced https://www.att.com/support/article/u-verse-tv/KM1042519/
Community Support
254.8K Messages
1 year ago
We understand your concern. Let's get the help you need.
After reviewing your concern and trying to resolve through the Community Forums, it looks like you may need more account specific support. To assist you best, we encourage you to review our Contact Us page to identify what method you’d prefer to reach out for this account level help. You can call, chat, or reach out via social media and we can review your specific issue and provide you support. We’re sorry we weren’t able to resolve your concern directly in the forums, but let us know if we can assist with anything else.”
Thank you,
Sarah M, AT&T Community Forums Specialist
3 Messages
1 year ago
I would definitely call back into Uberse customer care and if someone gives you the run around like the last yahoo, ask for their supervisor and keep doing so until someone gets your grandma her money back. Surely someone with AT&T will kindly follow thru with the promise. We all know they jave the money somewhere to do so.
1 Message
1 year ago
AT&T wallet is to fat for your grandma to leave that much money with them...even if you cancel your AT&T services you should be able to get your grandmas money back. I cannot believe that an At&T rep or any other yahoo would try and say this is your grandmas fault. Whoever said that must have never tried to read and understand an ATT bill! I would definitely call back to customer service/billing and if another rep tries to give you the run around ask for their supervisor and continue up the chain til your grandma gets her money back, dammit ATT.
3 Messages
1 year ago
I am sorry your right I did not make it clear how they were taking advantage of an older American. While we were strung along for 3 months waiting for this credit (we were told for 3 months during 4 different phone calls that a credit is coming) I was told yesterday that it was the faut of my mother for not noticing the over charge. My mother gets a bill and she pays it she does not look through 6 pages of a bill and read stuff she does not understand. She trusts that the company that sent the bill knows what they are doing and seriously if can not relate to that and understand then that’s sad.
No she never had 8 receivers they did tell me how the billing issue happened. My mom has a vacation home and her regular home. When she vacations (usually 4 months at a time) she puts her home service in vacation mode (its a mode where she only has to pay for rental of devices or a bill much lower that usual). The day she came back home from vacation in 2022 she asked ATT to re-enable her service. That next day the rep told me that billing started on 8 receivers. Something occurred when they re-enabled billing for the receivers that added the 4 existing receivers again to billing thus giving a total of 8.
You could be right on the 3 month limitation but why were we not told on the first phone call that there was a 3 month limitation? The first phone call to get this issue researched, diagnosed and corrected was over 2 hours long and a credit was going to be reassigned to another department due to the amount. The next month and last month were promised the credit was processing and was split up due to the number of credits. You could be right that would explain why we got the 100 first then the other department was going to do the rest.
I will call again right now and see if there is something different being said now.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
1 year ago
Receivers being incorrectly activated is an issue. But this is not taking advantage of an older American. Age has absolutely nothing to do with this. She is not treated differently because of age.
Terms of Service have a limit on a billing dispute which doesn't start counting in years. Regardless of age, it is the responsibility of the consumer to read their bills. When making any changes it is highly suggested to review the next 2 bills, the first to verify changes went through as expected and the 2nd for bill going forward (as 1st may have proration for mid-month changes).
You can try a BBB complaint as goes to upper management, which usually results in contact back from their Office of the President within a few business days. Not a guarantee they will cover everything, but perhaps they might go beyond the standard dispute timeframe. So could be worth a shot.
ACE - Professor
839 Messages
1 year ago
It doesn’t matter how old or a young a person is. Every consumer should check any bill they receive for accuracy.
ACE - Expert
28.3K Messages
1 year ago
I’m a senior, just a few years younger than your mom. I resent people ASSUMING that anyone over 65 is just too old or dumb or unable to understand how the world of today works.
Hopefully this will be a learning experience not only for you but more importantly for your mom and if you are unsure if your mom can handle her daily affairs, perhaps it is time to take a more active role.
ACE - Master
117 Messages
1 year ago
I'm close to your mom's age, won't say how close, but very and I agree with @skeeterintexas. Still read the fine print and still review all bills.
3 Messages
1 year ago
I have an update for anyone that cares to know. I contacted ATT via chat since I wanted a log of what was said and spoke to a nice guy named Peter and one of the last things he told me was:
[Peter] : I'd love to take care of this and I will be taking the ownership to resolve your concern today. However, I'm from the Broadband billing team I have limited access on certain activities and I would recommend you to get in touch with our (concern team) to get this resolved today. This is the direct number 800-288-2020. You can reach them they can check and do the needful.
Contacted that number and spoke to two different people and no one had heard of a Concern Team. So anyways the call ended the same way it did back in November of 2023 when I was told that a manager would have to call me back this time I was told it would take place in 2 hours or less and in November I was told it would take up to a week to call back. I have never gotten a call back so we will see how it goes today.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
1 year ago
This is why I avoid using the "chat" option as too much misinformation comes from it. And last I new, those transcripts don't get saved to the account so is not a proper written record as is just a temporary conversation.
The 2020 is their normal customer care number. I expect the agent was using "Concern Team" as a buzz word to make you feel better.
Callbacks rarely happen. Too many agents (of any company) have used that as way to get off the phone when going in circles or they don't want to give you an answer they know you don't want to hear.
Your option at this point is the same as previously said, make a BBB complaint. That goes to upper management and usually results in contact back from their Office of the President within a few business days. Again, this is not a guarantee you will get what you want as being aware of what is on your bill is the responsibility of all consumers, a responsibility you don't get exempt from because of age. So it is a shot, just be prepared they may still say now and just have to chalk up the cost as a life lesson.
1 Message
16 days ago
Even if you cancel your DirectTV service in the middle of a billing cycle, you will be charged the full monthly rate, no refund.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
16 days ago
Yes they changed to no proration several years ago to be in line with other service companies. This is why you should read the Terms of Service when you start, as well as not ignore any update notices.
Please read this if you receive DIRECTV and/or AT&T Fixed Wireless service(s). We want to remind you that you’re billed in advance for recurring service(s) and/or programming charges and applicable fees based on the terms of your current service agreement(s) with us. Starting January 14, 2019, subject to applicable laws, we’re updating your agreement(s) to include your recurring service(s)/programming charges and fees won’t be prorated if you cancel the above service(s) on any day other than the last day of your billing cycle. Your service(s) will continue until the end of your billing cycle but you won’t get a refund (prorated credits) for any remaining days left in your billing cycle. For products not listed above, refer to their terms of service for more information.
As this is a thread from over a year ago, and for U-Verse not DirecTV, it will be closed.