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Sooo... confused
I live in a community that provides internet service through HOA fees.
We have not been happy with the company they chose. The service is internet is not reliable.
We use their internet connection but are paying quite a bit for extra channel services through Netflix, Amazon, Pluto, Hulu, Google, YouTube, etc.
Is there an Apple box or any way to go around the service provided?
I appreciate any help.
ACE - Sage
46.3K Messages
4 months ago
DirecTV does not provide internet services. This is a discussion you should have with your HOA Board to discuss better alternatives. Or perhaps get your own Starlink internet service.
ACE - Expert
22.8K Messages
4 months ago
So does that HOA prohibit other ISP choices, or is it just that is the one they got a group (HOA) special on? If they completely say no to other options than you would have to go through the annoying HOA meetings and such to get that change.
Other ISPs might be an option if they are not wired to the property. (satellite, through cell towers, or other wireless internet option).
I detest HOAs for situations like this. Unless you are on the board or have the money to throw around you are under their thumb. It is not resident friendly.